There are several case studies mentioned in the book.This part of the website will provide short summaries of each case. Some case studies have their own page, some are grouped by theme. This list is in no particular order, so let me know if you’d prefer a list by date, topic, chapter in which it is first mentioned or alphabetical by first defendant!
Burden of proof includes:
Natural hazards includes:
Heritage properties:
This is an area of interest rather than expertise, but I plan to research some more case studies for this section. For now, just this one:
Jail terms includes:
A case against Imperial Machine Company and other defendents illustrates that sometimes the manufacturer does pay, and that latent hazards can sit in a system for years before causing actual harm.
R v Porter 2008 a case which tests our understanding of significance.
The R v Morrisons 2024 appeal, which tried to use Porter to argue that steps are not a work hazard. But sometimes, they are.
Wallace v Glasgow 2010 a civil case which illustrates how prescriptive regulations can trump foreseeability.
R v Pizza Express 2015 illustrates how dangerous manual handling can be – and how one’s perception of danger is influenced by cases you know well.
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